Stamattina io e tanti altri utenti di Divshare, diffuso servizio di File Sharing, abbiamo ricevuto una "simpatica" notizia tramite mail:
Dear alessandro,
Thanks for being a part of DivShare. Late last night we were alerted of a security breach that allowed a malicious user to access our database, which included user e-mail addresses and other basic profile information. No financial information has been accessed by any unauthorized parties. We have taken extreme measures to secure the site in the last 24 hours and are currently in the process of rolling out new security precautions, which is why many files were unavailable earlier today. We apologize for this inconvenience and for the oversights that allowed this security breach to take place. We take the security of all data and files very seriously and are embarrassed and regretful that an intrusion was allowed to take place on our watch.
Please rest assured that no financial information whatsoever has been compromised. While we are not aware of what data has actually been accessed or copied, the database included user e-mail addresses and other data you may have saved to your profile, such as your first name. We are not aware of any files being accessed without permission, but we recommend that you change your account password and the passwords on any private folders as a security precaution.
We can't apologize enough for allowing this breach to take place. We know how important security is for all our members and their files, and we are taking every precaution available to ensure that this doesn't happen again. We ask for your patience as we roll out new security upgrades in the coming days, and we pledge to keep your files and user information under the tightest security possible from here on out.
Please don't hesitate to contact us at with any questions or concerns. Yours,
The DivShare Team
Il sistema di sicurezza a protezione del database dell'azienda è stato forzato e, potenzialmente, qualcuno da qualche parte nel mondo potrebbe essere in possesso dei miei dati. Non dati tanto importanti, fortunatamente. L'unica cosa che posso fare è cambiare la password agli altri miei account sparsi per il web. Per fortuna, comunque, ho avuto l'accortezza di utilizzare password diverse a secondo del tipo di servizio offerto.
Torna così, prepotentemente nella mia testa, il problema della sicurezza in internet. Un problema non di poco conto, visti i casi di dati rubati e rivenduti a pochi euro a chi è in cerca di una nuova identità.
E' chiaro che quando uno si iscrive ad un servizio, fornendo i propri dati, altro non può fare che mettersi nelle mani dell'azienda. Per tutti gli altri casi, invece, è disponibile una guida redatta da Sophos.
Ora, però, devo proprio andare a cambiare le password!
Dear alessandro,
Thanks for being a part of DivShare. Late last night we were alerted of a security breach that allowed a malicious user to access our database, which included user e-mail addresses and other basic profile information. No financial information has been accessed by any unauthorized parties. We have taken extreme measures to secure the site in the last 24 hours and are currently in the process of rolling out new security precautions, which is why many files were unavailable earlier today. We apologize for this inconvenience and for the oversights that allowed this security breach to take place. We take the security of all data and files very seriously and are embarrassed and regretful that an intrusion was allowed to take place on our watch.
Please rest assured that no financial information whatsoever has been compromised. While we are not aware of what data has actually been accessed or copied, the database included user e-mail addresses and other data you may have saved to your profile, such as your first name. We are not aware of any files being accessed without permission, but we recommend that you change your account password and the passwords on any private folders as a security precaution.
We can't apologize enough for allowing this breach to take place. We know how important security is for all our members and their files, and we are taking every precaution available to ensure that this doesn't happen again. We ask for your patience as we roll out new security upgrades in the coming days, and we pledge to keep your files and user information under the tightest security possible from here on out.
Please don't hesitate to contact us at with any questions or concerns. Yours,
The DivShare Team
Il sistema di sicurezza a protezione del database dell'azienda è stato forzato e, potenzialmente, qualcuno da qualche parte nel mondo potrebbe essere in possesso dei miei dati. Non dati tanto importanti, fortunatamente. L'unica cosa che posso fare è cambiare la password agli altri miei account sparsi per il web. Per fortuna, comunque, ho avuto l'accortezza di utilizzare password diverse a secondo del tipo di servizio offerto.
Torna così, prepotentemente nella mia testa, il problema della sicurezza in internet. Un problema non di poco conto, visti i casi di dati rubati e rivenduti a pochi euro a chi è in cerca di una nuova identità.
E' chiaro che quando uno si iscrive ad un servizio, fornendo i propri dati, altro non può fare che mettersi nelle mani dell'azienda. Per tutti gli altri casi, invece, è disponibile una guida redatta da Sophos.
Ora, però, devo proprio andare a cambiare le password!
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